New Antlers

Posted by sabrina on 3/16/2014

Characteristics of a Good Dog Park

Posted by Derek Vore on 6/27/2012
So you've decided you want to take your dog to a dog park, but now you're left deciding what dog park to choose. Make sure you pick the dog park that's right for you, because if you don't, it could ruin the experience for you and for your dog. Read on to determine what makes a good dog park for you...

Why Does My Dog Chew on Everything?

Posted by Derek Vore on 6/25/2012
If you've ever owned a puppy, you've definitely asked yourself this question more than once! Puppies love to chew, and so do grown dogs. The difference with a puppy is that they're experiencing everything for the first time. They don't know what they should chew, and they don't know what they don't want to chew.

How to Stop a Dog From Jumping on Guests

Posted by Derek Vore on 6/19/2012
Many of us have had this happen. You're sliding the pan of jalapeno poppers into the oven, and there's a knock at the door. Before you can stand up to shut the oven, "WOO WOO WOO WOO!" Next thing you know, you're in a full-fledged wrestling match with your dog while trying to open the door with your pinky finger. Your flustered guest slowly tries to squeeze through the front door of your home while you grunt out a "hey, how's it going" and keep wrestling your dog back with purple fingers wrapped tight around their collar. It doesn't have to be this way.

Top 10 Most Popular Dogs of 2012

Posted by Derek Vore on 6/15/2012
So, you think your pooch is popular? Find out for certain by reviewing this year's American Kennel Club's Top 10 List of the most Popular Dog Breeds!

Large Breed Dogs Hip & Joint Care

Posted by Derek Vore on 6/7/2012
There are many people with large breed dogs that may not realize the importance of caring for their hips and joints. The size of large breed dogs means more weight and impact on their hips and joints during everyday normal activity. This impact wears down the cartilage, and can cause difficulty for the dog later in life. Breeds such as Great Danes can grow to over 100 pounds so quickly that the amount of puppy-like activity can prevent proper development of hips and joints, also known as hip dysplasia. This is scary news for families with large-breed dogs, but is there something you can do?

Dog Obesity and How to Address an Unhealthy Lifestyle

Posted by Derek Vore on 6/6/2012
How do you know if your dog is overweight? What are the side effects of your dog being overweight? How can you modify your dog's lifestyle to help them lose weight and improve their health? In this article, I hope to concisely answer these questions.

Should You Be Concerned About Salmonella?

Posted by Derek on 5/30/2012
Lately there has been a dark and dreary buzz about the dreaded salmonella poisoning. Pet owners everywhere are worried sick (no pun intended) about their dog food containing salmonella. So you may be asking yourself, "should I be worried?"

Training Tactic, or Animal Cruelty?

Posted by Guest on 5/25/2012
Many people wonder how it can be humane to use prong collars (some call these "spike collars"), and if so, how can it be possible that they don't hurt? This has been a topic of debate since they first came out, but the truth is...

Should I Use Treats When Training My Dog?

Posted by Derek Vore on 5/18/2012
Are you curious whether or not using treats to train your dog is a good idea? There is much debate on this topic, as some trainer agree you should and others have a different opinion. Treats may seem like bribery, but do they produce a lasting effect? Read further to find out...

Are Treats From China Killing America's Pets?

Posted by Derek on 5/9/2012
So we're all hearing about how treats made in China are poisoning and causing fatal liver failure in dogs here in America. Pet owners swear by the theory that China's manufacturing plants contaminated the products. The FDA says there's no definitive cause of the deaths. What do you think?

Top 10 Reasons to Spay and Neuter Your Pets?

Posted by Derek Vore on 5/8/2012
So we all remember Bob Barker reminding us to spay and neuter our pets, but why would this be such a big deal? Click above and read on, you'll be surprised!

Not Just Anyone Should Breed Dogs!

Posted by Derek on 5/3/2012
So you want to make some easy cash? Why not breed some dogs? You can make hundreds or thousands of dollars for the pick of the litter! STOP! Before you start breeding dogs... read this article!

How Important is Your Dog's Oral Hygiene?

Posted by Derek Vore on 4/30/2012
Your dog wont tell you if their teeth are feeling sore or sensitive. Gum disease in dogs can be more harmful than you think. This could lead to much more serious problems including heart disease and other serious illnesses. So how can you help to prevent your dog from developing gum disease? Click above and find out.

Why Are Bully Sticks So Popular?

Posted by Derek on 4/18/2012
Bully sticks are the new rawhide. They are growing in popularity since people found them to be healthier, safer, and easier to find than rawhide... For a list of the benefits, click the title above.

What is Green Tripe?

Posted by Derek Vore on 4/18/2012
So buzz is out about green tripe, and how it's healthy for dogs, but what is green tripe?  Click above to find out!

Why Should I Buy in Bulk?

Posted by Derek Vore on 4/10/2012
When shopping online, you may find sites that offer the option to buy in bulk. You may also find wholesale sites that only sell their products in bulk. Why would you want to buy so much of something? Click above to find out.